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Zantac ® usage linked to some Cancers


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt USD1740895493 ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

• The FDA issued a recall on Zantac because of high levels of the probable human carcinogen Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)

• Zantac failed to notify the public of this chemical in their product, choosing to gain profit rather than keep consumers safe

FDA removes Zantac from shelves over probable human carcinogen NDMA In April of 2020, the FDA determined that Zantac posed a risk to public health due to high amounts of the chemical NDMA. NDMA is a chemical used to make rocket fuel, as well as purposely induce cancer in lab animals for medical studies. NDMA is considered a probable human carcinogen by both the World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The FDA permits a daily intake of 96 nanograms of NDMA, but testing revealed each tablet contained over 3,000,000 nanograms. That’s 3,000 times greater than the FDA’s intake limit.

The makers of Zantac have made billions from the drug, and had information that Zantac contained NDMA as early as 1981. They failed to warn consumers, doctors, or government regulators of the risk, and chose to gain profit rather than keep consumers safe.

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By clicking the ‘Free Review Now’ button, I consent to be contacted at the number provided to Injury Review, as well as, an attorney/law firm, third-party verification service or a pre-recorded call, which may or may not, include an auto-dialer or an SMS text message. I consent even if my phone number provided is registered on the Federal or State “Do Not Call Registry”. I acknowledge that standard message and data rates apply. Clicking ‘submit’ constitutes my electronic signature for my authorization to being contacted and my agreement to the Terms and Conditions thereof. This authorization is not required to purchase goods or services.